A Mighty Fortress Is Our God (Extra Resources)


A Mighty Fortress Is Our God Printable Resources

This link has printable memory verse tools, a printable version of the lyrics, and a template to a book you can make of the hymn.

Other Helpful Links

What do the Lyrics of “a Mighty Fortress” Mean? by Matt Rudd

an article about the words of the hymn

The Five Solas Song, Adam Zarn

a song that tells a summary of Martin Luther's life and incorporates the firve solas

The Torchlighters: The Martin Luther Story

a 34 minute cartoon that tells about the Reformation and Martin Luther's story

The Barber Who Wanted to Pray

by R.C. Sproul-a story about Martin Luther

Martin Luther: A Man Who Changed the World

by Paul L. Maier

*I will be adding more resources as I come across things that will be helpful.

This post originally written to be used with my Family Worship Guide that focuses on the hymn, A Mighty Fortress Is Our God. If you would like to get that Family Worship Guide for free, just go HERE or sign up for my email list at the bottom of this page and you will have access to it. The Family Worship Guide will give you a 28-day plan to help you and your family read the Bible, sing, and pray together. This Guide focuses on the five solas that were mentioned above. You will spend the month looking to see how the Bible backs up the five solas. This guide is rich with Gospel truths that changes lives. I hope this is a helpful resource for you.


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How to Keep Kids Engaged During Family Worship


A Mighty Fortress Is Our God