Days 113 to 118 | Finding Beauty


Days 113-118, Brasov

Every Sunday night after we attend our church service online, our family has Journal Night. We all get our journals out and catch up on recording what we did each day. This week we laughed about the things we recorded. The daily highlights for our trip have changed from things like “rode the Bernina Express through the Swiss Alps” and “played on the beach at Sperlonga” to reminiscing that this was the day we ate grapefruit for breakfast or that we made chocolate chip cookies. Life changed quickly and so did the plans for our trip.

The cool thing is that although life may not be normal or what we thought it would be like now, there is still beauty. We might have to open our eyes a little wider to see it. But it’s there.

One way I love to find beauty is by going on evening walks with my family. There is so much to see. I love the way the evening light shines on the green grass making it seem almost florescent. I love the way the warm sunset reflects against the old tattered buildings. I love experiencing the stillness of life outdoors while most people are inside by this time of day. I especially love to see my kids skipping and running on the sidewalks and paths experiencing the fresh air and beauty of God’s creation.

These days are different. They’re unique. They’re special. In some ways I want to move on and get back to what we had planned. But mostly I want to live in the moment. Although it will be nice to start getting back to normal at some point, there is too much good right now to wish it away. I have more time to think, read, write, create, explore, play, take walks, observe, pray, dream. The schedules, rushing around, and busyness have all of a sudden disappeared…and I kind of like it.

I’m not always good at living in the moment, but when I do, I see many blessings. I want to use this gift of time wisely and see the beauty in it. God, please help me to do that.

What beauty are you seeing today?


“Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good! Blessed is the man who takes refuge in him! Oh, fear the LORD, you his saints, for those who fear him have no lack! The young lions suffer want and hunger; but those who seek the LORD lack no good thing.”
Psalm 34:8-10 (ESV)


Journey One Eighty welcomes your comments.


Days 119 to 124 | Moments I Want to Remember


Taking the Leap