Is He Worthy?


A few have asked how we are dealing with the virus over here. We are still in Brasov, Romania and plan to stay here as long as we need. We think we’re in a really good place...a city we all love, an apartment that is comfortable and close to a grocery store, and we are easily able to keep our distance from others. Traveling back home seems like the more risky thing to do, so we are happy to settle here until it’s time to take the next step...whatever that may be.

I do have to admit that when I woke up this morning, I was the most anxious I’ve been about the whole virus situation. I kept having thoughts of how bad things could possibly get and it was affecting me a lot. A few things helped set my mind at ease. 

A call from Mom. Catching up with her is always great and encouraging. 

A call from Dad. Getting to hear his voice and talk for a bit is a blessing and brings peace. 

A conversation with Nathan. He always has such a wise and logical way of thinking about things and explaining things that always helps set my mind at ease when I’m anxious about a situation. 

A song. The melody and words to a song about or to Jesus always brings peace to my heart. 

God often brings songs to our days at just the right time. Today, the song “Is He Worthy” came at just the right time. As it brought me to a place of remembering that he is worthy of all praise, I was reminded of a situation I was in this time last year.

When I went to the doctor for a routine check, a lump on my breast was found. An ultrasound was ordered and I big deal. Then the ultrasound turned into a mammogram and that turned into needing a biopsy. I had to wait almost two weeks for the biopsy to be done, then another few days to get the results. Everything turned out to be just fine, but the seventeen-ish days of waiting were hard. One minute I had peace and the next I just knew that things were going to turn out bad. During that time, my sister sent me a song about God’s goodness. I listened to the song a lot. Through the song and scripture I began telling myself over and over that God is good no matter what. 

I knew I had to make the intentional decision to know and believe that even in the worst outcome that God is good. Little did I know that I was going to need to remember that even more several months later as I began dealing with back issues. 

Why did this come to my mind today? I believe I needed to remember the importance of knowing and telling ourselves that God is good before things get hard. I definitely do not hope for the worst outcome for health problems, relational issues, or economic situations during this crazy time. But I was reminded today that I need to prepare myself for times that are difficult. I need to tell myself, when life is good, that God is good and worthy and perfect no matter what life brings. When I do that I can be more ready to say that He is good and worthy and perfect when things are tough.


How does this have anything to do with the song, “Is He Worthy”? Well, one great thing I love about this song it that it’s conversational. One person is asking...Is he worthy? Or does the Father truly love us? Then the other person answers, “He is!” Or “He does!”

I just love the idea that in this song we are talking to each other or to ourself. We are reminding each other and encouraging one another that, yes, He is worthy! Yes! The Father does truly love us. “Is He worthy? Is He worthy? Of all blessing and honor and glory. Is He worthy of this? He is!”


We need to tell each other these things. We need to tell ourselves these things. We need to be ready to believe these things deep in our hearts and minds when life gets hard. Whether it’s related to this virus or something else. We will all face difficulty. Remember that God is good. That He is worthy of all praise. That He is in control and perfect in all His ways. He is our hope and the only thing that will truly give peace during the tough stuff. 

So back to the anxiety I had’s gone right now. Partly because of people God has placed in my life, but mostly because I know that God is matter what happens.

“Why are you cast down, O my soul, and why are you in turmoil within me? Hope in God; for I shall again praise him, my salvation and my God.” - Psalm 42:11 (ESV)


Journey One Eighty welcomes your comments.


Day 83 | Brasov Citadel


Day 82 | Last Days of Playground