The What Ifs

A lot happened during these last three days. We changed apartments (still in Brasov). As COVID-19 has continued spreading throughout the world, our lives, and everyone’s, are changing. 

Before we left on our trip, we tried to think of all the “what ifs” we could prepare for. 
What if we get sick?
What if we get separated?
What if we lose our passports?

And we’ve still had those questions on our trip.
What if we break the rules without realizing it?
What if we don’t like our new apartment?
What if the museum is closed when we get there? 
What if we miss the train?

The truth is, we can ask all the what ifs in the world, and none of them could come to be. We never know what is going to come our way next. On Wednesday, we had called two Ubers to come pick us up to go to our next place to stay. We’ve done this a few times with no problem. But this time, was a little different. Nathan and Anna left in their Uber. The Uber that came for me, Naomi, and Abigail came close, but before we could get his attention he drove off. We were stuck without the ride that we had depended on. 

Was this a “what if” that we had prepared for? Not particularly. We hadn’t asked ourselves, “What if our Uber driver leaves us?” 

What did we do? Once I got the three of us settled with our luggage and in a safe spot, I prayed. “God, what should I do right now?”

After praying and talking with Nathan, I had a peace that we just needed to walk to the playground that we always go to. It was a safe and familiar place—a place of peace. But the ultimate place of peace was close to Jesus. When I prayed, He gave me peace and He gave me the thought to walk to the playground. We played for a bit and soon Nathan and Anna were able to meet us. Life was soon back to normal.

This incident really was not that big of a deal. But the lesson I learned to remember to turn to Jesus when I didn’t know what step to take next was invaluable. 

People all over the world are dealing with “what ifs”. 
What if I get the virus?
What if a family member gets it?
What if I don’t get paid?
What if I can’t pay my bills?

I struggle with trusting God. It’s so easy to worry and try to fix things myself. But trusting Him is really the only thing we can do when life seems out of control. When we don’t know what to do, we can ask Him what to do. He will lead and guide us.

I should probably ask these what ifs. 

What if God uses this to help us trust Him more?
What if God wants to use this time to encourage us to turn to Him? 
What if I do trust Him? 

Wouldn’t that be great?! 

“Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. 
In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.” - Proverbs 3:5-6


Journey One Eighty welcomes your comments.


Day 81 | Getting Settled Again


Day 80 | A New Apartment