The Mess of Creativity


The mess. Why is it constant? Do you struggle with it too?

I would really love to have my house be completely put together all the time. Everything in its place. Decorations perfectly situated. Counter tops free of clutter. Occasionally it’s like that, but usually not. I’ve wondered why I can’t keep up with it, and I finally realized why it’s so hard.

We are a creative family. Yours is too.

Almost daily, my kids are creating something out of paper, trash from recycling, or setting up another scene with blocks or LEGO. We may have a new house project going on, or a birthday party that we are planning activities for. Can you relate?


When I came to the realization that at least part of the need for mess is because of our creativity, I became a little more ok with the messes. Why? Because creativity is important. Here’s why I think so.

1. Creativity builds confidence.

Not every creation or idea will come out exactly as planned. But every time you try something, you learn from the past ideas and you realize that you can get closer each time. That experience grows the confidence to try again and to learn from the mistakes.


2. Creativity gives opportunity to learn from imperfection.

When you just start creating with no plan in mind, it allows the idea or project to grow as it is being created. It’s ok to make mistakes because you learn from them. Many times a mistake leads to something even more beautiful than the original plan.

3. Creativity helps build problem solving skills.

Creativity doesn’t always equal some kind of art. It can be as simple as trying to figure out how to pack a lunch for a field trip (as in our family this morning). Brainstorming ideas to solve simple everyday problems with out being afraid to share your ideas builds creativity. 


4. Creativity allows us to use gifts given by God.

God has made us each unique and we have the responsibility to use those gifts for good. Creativity helps us find ways to use our individual strengths for His good. 


As I look at the messes sitting around right now, I can be thankful. Thankful that my family was made in the image of God as a creator. God, the ultimate Creator has allowed us each to use what we have to solve problems, learn to work through mistakes, and use our minds and hands for His good.

When I remember that, I can be ok with the messes sitting there a bit longer. 


Journey One Eighty welcomes your comments.


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