Coronavirus Update


As we were preparing for our 180-day journey in Europe, I wondered what obstacles we would face while we were traveling. We had traveled enough to know that it doesn’t usually go as planned. I just never imagined we would face the obstacles of a pandemic.


Although I’ve shared bits and pieces of how we’ve been affected, I thought I’d give you a little more insight into what things are like here and how the virus has affected our journey.


Our Daily Life

Much like the rest of the world, we have spent a lot more time at home. The rules here have been that you can only get out for food, exercise, or other essential reasons. You had to have a note with your name, address, and the reason you were out. If you were stopped by the police without your note or without good reason, you could be fined.

Hanging out at home.

Hanging out at home.

Hanging out at home, looking at shells found in Sperlonga, Italy.

Hanging out at home, looking at shells found in Sperlonga, Italy.

We have been stopped three times and each time we had our note. The first two times we were sent on our way with no problem. The third time Nathan and the girls were sitting on a bench in the park while I was several yards away taking a picture and a policeman told us we had to go home. Naturally, the next few times we were out, we stayed focused on exercise the entire time. We haven’t had any other problems since then.

We hope to visit this playground again soon. Although some restrictions are lifted, playgrounds are still closed.

We hope to visit this playground again soon. Although some restrictions are lifted, playgrounds are still closed.

A few days ago the policies changed, so now we are free to be out for any reason without a note. The first time we were out with this new policy, we could tell that many others were as happy as we were to have that freedom again. It’s really nice to see the streets come alive with people again!

The streets are lively again!

The streets are lively again!

Masks were not required until a few days ago when restrictions were loosened. Since more people will be out, we are now required to have a mask on if we are in an enclosed space with other people. I actually went to the store and had forgotten that I had to have a mask to go inside. Since they wouldn’t let me in, I walked home, cut up a T-shirt to make a mask, then headed back to the store. This is certainly something I never expected to do on our trip!

My homemade, no sew mask!

My homemade, no sew mask!

Our Traveling Plans

Rather than spending a significant amount of time in a Rome as planned, Romania has become our main destination. We’ve been here almost three months! We didn’t even have specific plans to visit Romania at the beginning of our trip, but God has been good to lead us here to such a beautiful place with several outdoor areas we can enjoy.

One of the many pretty overlooks of Brasov.

One of the many pretty overlooks of Brasov.

We are regularly evaluating the policies and restrictions in Romania and other countries we might still be able to travel to. We actually thought we might be able to leave Romania a few days ago but that did not work out, when they extended their international flight ban. So, we’ll stay here for another two weeks until we see how traveling policies change. Taking things day by day, week by week is really all we can do. We have about six weeks until we plan to come home, and we trust that God will continue to lead us and give us peace as we consider the next steps.

The girls have named this area Amazingopolis! It’s pretty amazing!

The girls have named this area Amazingopolis! It’s pretty amazing!

Our Thoughts

We’ve been dealing with disappointment and frustration just like everyone else in the world. Saying goodbye to some of our plans and dreams for this trip has been difficult. Visiting other new places is something we really wanted to do, but we’re trying to make the best of the situation we are in. God has provided a safe and beautiful place for us to settle in and we are thankful for that.

Having the chance to be in one place for longer has given us a closer glimpse of a new culture, new people, and a different way of living. This is not what we expected, but there is definitely a lot of good that is coming from it. We are very thankful for this unique and unexpected opportunity.

One of the main streets that passes by the town square.

One of the main streets that passes by the town square.

The plans for the days and weeks ahead are unknown, but we know that God knows every detail about it. We are taking things week by week and look forward to seeing what lies ahead.

Still enjoying the adventure!

Still enjoying the adventure!


Journey One Eighty welcomes your comments.


How to Make Your Own Board Game


Days 139 to 140 | Rest and Creativity