Days 107 to 113 | Good Gifts


Days 107-112, Brasov

I’m kind of starting to feel like we live here now. Everyday life stuff is happening and I kind of like it.

However, I had a day that I reached my limit. My patience was pushed to the top and I let it all out...not necessarily in a healthy way either. I’m thankful for a husband and kids who know how to forgive and purposefully think of ways to try to make things better. That’s what we’re supposed to do, right? We all talked and prayed and are all trying to think of each other more...including myself.


It was a week of making games. I had some alone time and when I got back, Nathan was making a game with the girls. It is actually fun to play and it was a great team building, creative, and critical thinking activity. “Busy Beach” could be on the shelves before you know it;) They loved making that game so much that they each came up with another game on their own. Anna made up a game similar to checkers and chess, Naomi made “The Rainforest Race”, and Abigail made a Paw Patrol game.


We got to see our friends for a bit. They’ve been such a blessing to us!


Last week we gave butterflies to our neighbors for Easter. It was a blessing to get a “thank you” from one neighbor passing by. Another neighbor brought us a candle, some cozonac (Romanian Easter cinnamon bread), and some homemade wine for the Orthodox Easter celebration. It was so great to make a connection with and accept a gift from them. They also thanked us for the butterfly. I love to begin making those little connections.


We were able to have another surprise encounter with our friends when we got a call to come help them with an emergency. One of them had hurt their leg and they needed help. It was a blessing to be there for them physically and emotionally during a scary time.

Again, God has provided another blessing through our friends. Several weeks ago I was looking for books for the girls to read. I was specifically looking for a book of short stories about Christian women in history who have made a difference in the world. I couldn’t find one, so I moved on. As I was talking to my new friend here, she mentioned that she had some books we could use that they were finished with. Guess what two of the books were? Yep, books about Christian women in history who have made a difference. You guys, God is so good.


I’ve been thinking about all these things that have happened this week. My two thoughts about it all...
God provides the big and the little things. The little things we do matter.

“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.” - James 1:17 (ESV)


Journey One Eighty welcomes your comments.


Taking the Leap


Days 102 to 106 | Easter