Days 102 to 106 | Easter


Days 102-106, Brasov

Hello! We are are still here! The days are going by so fast! There are so many things I’m wanting to fit inside this “downtime” and I’m really wanting to take in every part of good that I can.


There are frustrating things about this time (I’ve been battling those in my head and heart) but lots of good is coming from it too.


For the most part I’m enjoying doing the “school thing” at home. We are keeping it simple. We practice math facts, do a little IXL, then do some other kind of learning activity...research, art, science, or some other learning project. I’ve also been reading to the girls after lunch almost everyday and that is becoming my favorite part of the day.


By the time we get through all of that, we have a couple of hours of free time before dinner. It sounds pretty perfect, huh? Well, don’t let me fool you. Between all of those wonderful moments we have plenty of ups and downs. I just thought I’d share that in case you wondered:)


A few days before Easter, we made a cross to remind us that Jesus died on the cross for us. We poured salt over glue lines, then lightly put water color paint on the salt.


The next day we dyed crepe paper so we could make Easter butterflies with it on Easter.


We wrote a note to each of our neighbors and hung the note and butterfly on their doors. We also shared some butterflies with our friends.


The note said, “Happy Easter! Jesus is alive! Jesus loves you! From: Your neighbors.” I wrote them in Romanian and German. I know there are people who speak both of those in our building. I hope our google translator was accurate!


I don’t know if I’ve ever associated butterflies specifically with Easter until a couple of friends on Facebook shared the Easter butterfly crafts they had done. I love how the picture the life of a butterfly represents our new life in Christ when we choose to follow Him.


2 Corinthians 5:17 (ESV) says, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.”


Oh, how I need this new life of freedom! Oh, how I need Him! I mess up every single day and He keeps loving me and forgiving me. I don’t have to follow a set of rules to perfection. I don’t have to do enough good works for Him to love me. He just loves me and forgives me.


I’m so thankful to Jesus for taking on my sin (and yours) and dying on the cross when I’m the one who deserves that death. I’m also thankful for the good news that He rose and defeated death so that I (we) can have everlasting life with Him. I’m thankful for the peace and hope that the that good news brings to me.


I’ve chosen to follow Him. I hope you have too and that you know the peace and hope that the good news of Easter brings.


Journey One Eighty welcomes your comments.


Days 107 to 113 | Good Gifts


Days 96 to 101 | Be Thankful