Days 150 to 154 | Space Launch


What a sight to watch the NASA and SpaceX launch the Dragon this week! During such a difficult time in the world, millions of people gathered around to watch this historical event take place. We made sure to see it too!


We watched on Wednesday as they loaded up and got ready to launch, only to have to unload and wait until another day to try again because of the weather.

We watched on Saturday as Bob and Doug entered into the Dragon again, hoping the weather would allow the launch. And it did. The Dragon took off and began it’s journey to the International Space Station.

On Sunday we watched the astronauts dock onto the ISS and be welcomed by their teammates with smiles and hugs of excitement.

What a sight to see!

It was amazing to see this machine that people designed and built to safely get people to outer space. But what stood out to me most is the character that was shown by the people supporting this achievement.

Teamwork. Patience. Humility. Unity.

What an example they set for our kids, for our country, and for us as individuals!



Thousands of people worked as a team for years to reach this achievement. Each person had their strengths and gifts to offer toward this goal. Teams were formed to work on certain parts. This historical event could only be achieved with each job being done at the highest quality.



They had patience and endurance to keep working through ideas and obstacles that we don’t even know about. I’m sure there were days that people wanted to give up and days that inspired them to keep going. This long process took time and lots of hard work that paid off well.



The humility that was shown as people were interviewed on broadcasts was inspiring to see and hear. Each person had something they could have gotten applause for, but they only gave credit to others and the team they worked with. Some acknowledged God in their words. Humility speaks loudly.



This event also showed a beautiful picture of unity. I don’t see how this could have been accomplished without a unified vision and unified goals, sacrifices, and work. I’m guessing there were disagreements during this process they had to work through. They had to trust each other, show respect when it was difficult, and let themselves be less for the greater good. I’m sure unity wasn’t always easy, but I’m so glad it was there so we could be a part of this event.


This was so special to watch as a family. My kids were inspired to dream big and be encouraged that there are many possible paths they can take in the future. I want them to dream big. I want them to follow the path that God leads them on. I want them to know the importance of taking that path with godly character to bring honor to Him.

Teamwork. Patience. Humility. Unity.

I think watching NASA and SpaceX launch the Dragon encouraged and set a great example of these traits. I’m so thankful we were able to experience this special historical event and observe people display such a great example of character.


Journey One Eighty welcomes your comments.


Day 153 | Walk Around Old Town


Our Journey in Orange