Day 153 | Walk Around Old Town


We’ve gotten into a routine of taking shorter walks during the week after we finish work and school, then on the weekend we take a longer walk.

Today we took a path that goes around Old Town and to White and Black Towers. Then we walked through the center square and through Rope Street.

I feel like I keep repeating myself, but each time we go out it feels more normal. More people are out and everyone seems to be happy to be outside.

Steps leading up to White Tower.

Steps leading up to White Tower.

I believe the structure you see next to the people walking is part of the old city wall.

I believe the structure you see next to the people walking is part of the old city wall.

Black Church. it was given this name after it was partially destroyed and blackened in a fire in 1689.

Black Church. it was given this name after it was partially destroyed and blackened in a fire in 1689.

Black Church

Black Church

Love this door!

Love this door!

Strada Sforii is Rope Street

Strada Sforii is Rope Street

Rope Street is one of the narrowest streets in Europe. After a fire damaged much of Braşov in 1689, this street was made to connect the two parts of the city so they could fight fires more effectively. It’s called Rope Street because it’s close to t…

Rope Street is one of the narrowest streets in Europe. After a fire damaged much of Braşov in 1689, this street was made to connect the two parts of the city so they could fight fires more effectively. It’s called Rope Street because it’s close to the Ropemakers’ Guild.

Rope Street

Rope Street

You can see “Brasov” at the top if the mountain. These giant letters peak through so many different spaces as we walk around town. Somehow, those letters have become a symbol of comfort. If you can see them, then you can find your way home.

You can see “Brasov” at the top if the mountain. These giant letters peak through so many different spaces as we walk around town. Somehow, those letters have become a symbol of comfort. If you can see them, then you can find your way home.

Rope Street

Rope Street

Anna reading about Strada Sforii, Rope Street.

Anna reading about Strada Sforii, Rope Street.

A welcoming statue to Rope Street

A welcoming statue to Rope Street

Everybody doing their thing while we take a break.

Everybody doing their thing while we take a break.

Nathan bring silly:)

Nathan bring silly:)

Some buildings have beautiful flower boxes at each window. I think they are so pretty.

Some buildings have beautiful flower boxes at each window. I think they are so pretty.

Another pretty door.

Another pretty door.

When we got home, we played soccer for a little bit, then did some crafts. It was a great day!

When we got home, we played soccer for a little bit, then did some crafts. It was a great day!


Journey One Eighty welcomes your comments.


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Days 150 to 154 | Space Launch