Day 146 | White Tower and Black Tower
The sun was shining brightly. The air was perfectly warm. People were happily walking the streets that had been almost bare for weeks. It was a great day to walk some pretty paths, get gelato, and make a stop by Starbucks. It was a little weird to be out with so many people but it was really refreshing! If you want to see our first trip here before isolation, go here. The landscape looks very different now compared to then. Spring has definitely sprung here in Brasov!
White Tower was built in the 1500s and was used as a look out for offenders and for defense. The picture above shows the front of the tower. The picture below is the side and back. I believe there is a museum inside, but it’s closed.
White Tower
On the path between White Tower and Black Tower.
Ali g the path between the towers.
Black Tower was built in the 1600s. Like Black Church, it’s name given because is was damaged by the fire in 1689. It’s walls were blackened from the fire.
This is such a pretty view of Black Church. I love all the colors in this picture.
This structure is connected to stairs that lead to White Tower. I read that it might be one of the oldest entrances into the city through the city wall. To the right you can see the old city wall.
This path is just outside the city wall close to the old city center.
Our first time to get gelato outside of Italy.
Nathan has been drinking instant coffee through this entire isolation. In the US Starbucks isn’t his favorite coffee, but he was super excited to get it today!
You can barely see “Brasov” at the top of Tampa Mountain here. The mountain and the sign seem to stand out so much in person, but it’s hard to get the same effect in a photo. The green mountain and clear blue sky are so pretty though!
We look forward to more days of life getting back to normal!