Days 90 to 91 | Fresh Air and No iPad Day

Days 90-91, March 27-28, Brasov

Day 90–Since the kids haven’t really been out for a week, we decided to make everyone get out. It was so nice to get some fresh air and sunshine! We walked to the Brasov Citadel again. We’ve really enjoyed all the lookout points we can walk to so easily. 

Day 91-Today was another no iPad day. As much as they like to play on their iPads, I think this might be their favorite day of the week. I think it’s because we are pretty much all together spending quality time with each other. It’s easy to get so focused on work or projects or social media that we lose sight of the people in front of us. I was hesitant to have a weekly no iPad/social media day, but I really like it now too:) We put on the Sound of Music again (they really like the movie now), played games, and did crafts pretty much all day!

And I just couldn’t resist sharing all these photos of Abigail...she was like a little kitty cat playing with a ball of yarn💜💛💜

I forgot to mention that we went through a surprise daylight savings time change too. We didn’t realize it until we showed up for our online church worship service an hour early! Haha! And we’ve sooooo enjoyed being able to worship with our church family the past three Sundays! We would love for you to join us too! The service is at 10:30 central time at Eagle Heights. I couldn’t tag it for some reason but it’s in my location. We’re going through Revelation and it’s so good!


Journey One Eighty welcomes your comments.


Days 90 to 91 | Fresh Air and No iPad Day


Day 89 | New Rules in Brasov