Day 89 | New Rules in Brasov


Day 89, Brasov—Today we did some more school work along with a couple sessions of physical activity. We haven’t been out much lately since the rules are getting a little more strict and it’s been cold.


These are our general rules. If you’re 65 or older, you’re only allowed to get out between 11:00 and 1:00. We can only get out for essential things like food, medicine, healthcare, jobs, or exercise. We have to have a written note with us if we leave. It has to say why we’re out, our address, name, and date. If you don’t have that you could get fined.


I actually went to the store on my own today and got stopped by the police. They looked at my info, wrote my name in a book, and sent me on my way. It’s never fun getting stopped by the police, but at least they’re trying to keep everybody safe.


The streets are normally filled with people shopping and hanging out and restaurants have tables outside ready for people to eat or enjoy a drink. Now there is mostly space. Empty space with a few delivery guys, city workers, and a few people shopping with masks on their faces. It still boggles my mind that life is so different than it was a month ago.


Journey One Eighty welcomes your comments.


Days 90 to 91 | Fresh Air and No iPad Day


Days 86 to 88 | Our New Routine