Praising God for Walking


I’m so thankful I’ve been able to climb these steps and walk these paths on this trip. Last fall, I wasn’t sure if I was going to get to. I couldn’t even stand up straight...for almost three months.

At the end of the summer, my minor and sporadic back pains became constant pain. It hurt to stand. It hurt to sit. It hurt to walk. I couldn’t pick up Abigail or anything that weighed much. I did the basics. If I didn’t have to do something, usually, I didn’t do it.


We had been planning this trip over a year before my back issues. After a few weeks of the pain not going away we started to worry if it was going to affect our trip. I had numerous appointments. Chiropractor. Primary care. MRI. Physical Therapy. Neuro Specialist. After the MRI we found that I had a ruptured disc. To make a long story short, about five and a half weeks before we were supposed to fly out I had outpatient surgery to fix the problem.

I’m truly so thankful to be able to walk normally now, without pain. I do not take for granted the fact that I can walk without pain. During those three months, there was pain with every movement. Now I can walk ten miles in a day. I can climb hundreds of steps to see beautiful views. I can walk through a grocery store. I can walk to the next room to say goodnight. All without pain. Thank you, God, for making it better. Thank you, God, for doctors, chiropractors, and physical therapists who know how to make bodies work better when they are broken. Thank you, God, for every step you allow me to make. 

“And all the people saw him walking and praising God...” - Acts 3:9 (ESV)


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Day 32 | Ponte Vecchio, Galileo Museum, and San Miniato


Day 31 | The Ufizzi and the Gallery of the Academy