Travel Rhondalyn Travel Rhondalyn

Day 80 | A New Apartment

We moved to a different apartment. Since we’ve decided to stay here for at least another month, we wanted a place with better sleeping arrangements. The kids have…

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Travel Rhondalyn Travel Rhondalyn

Day 77 | No iPad Day

Sundays have been declared no iPad or social media day (except for fb live for church) in our household. The girls were surprisingly excited and by the end if the day…

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Travel Rhondalyn Travel Rhondalyn

Day 76 | Brasov Towers

We truly are thankful to be in a place that has several places we can go to not only get some fresh air and exercise, but a really cool view and a taste of history. Today we visited the Black Tower…

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Travel Rhondalyn Travel Rhondalyn

Coronavirus Update

Hi friends! Some of you have asked how we are doing overseas during the coronavirus outbreak. I wanted you to know that we are doing just fine! We have decided to…

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Travel Rhondalyn Travel Rhondalyn

Day 74 | Rasnov

Today we took an Uber to Rasnov, a town close by, that has an old citadel at the top of a hill. It was used for village people to take refuge from…

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Travel Rhondalyn Travel Rhondalyn

Dealing with the Coronavirus

As you are all dealing with news of the corona virus in some ways, we are doing the same here. We are thankful that God has protected us and that He has paved the way…

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Travel Rhondalyn Travel Rhondalyn

Day 69 | Tampa Mountain

Today was a great day to climb a mountain! Actually we didn’t climb it, but we did ride up and hike down! Tampa is a mountain in Braşov that has the town’s name…

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