Day 67 | Timeline and God's Puzzle


Day 67, Brasov—Today was a “stay at home and do school and work” day. One thing I was looking forward to on this trip is the educational aspect....for all of us! When you travel, you can’t help but learn.

New cultures. 
New language. 
New transportation. 
New foods. 

You learn that you can do new things. 
You learn that you can do hard things. 
You learn that the world is bigger than your bubble. 
You learn that the world is big, but God is bigger.

Today we started making a timeline of the places we’ve seen and learned about. I love to see how pieces of history fit together like a puzzle. So many places we’ve visited and people we’ve learned about overlap each other. It makes me wonder how our lives overlap and intertwine without us even knowing it. God is good to allow us to see glimpses of His big picture and reminding us that He is still working. He has a purpose. He has His way. Someday, I hope we will get to see the big timeline...the puzzle...that He is working out in our lives. 

“For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” - Isaiah 55:9 (ESV)


Journey One Eighty welcomes your comments.


Day 68 | Dracula's Castle


Day 66 | A New Day in Brasov