Day 71 | Romania Map and Movie


Day 71, Brasov—We had planned to go on a free walking tour today. When we left, we realized it was raining harder than we thought, so we decided to just make a run to the store instead of going on the tour. I had felt a little stir crazy this particular morning so it felt really good to get out, even if we had to walk a mile and a half (round trip) in the light rain. 


When we got home, we did a little school work...labeling a map of Romania. We also watched a movie about Romanian wildlife called Romania Untamed. These two activities ended up working really well together. The movie was in Romanian with no subtitles, but it was still a great learning experience. A few times it showed a map of mountain ranges and rivers that we recognized from labeling our maps, and it was fun to hear a whole movie in another language too. Our “school stuff” doesn’t always go smoothly, but we had a memorable outcome today:)

Abigail wanted to add to my post today. These emojis are from her:) 


Journey One Eighty welcomes your comments.


Dealing with the Coronavirus


Day 70 | Screen Time and Journal Night