Dealing with the Coronavirus


As you are all dealing with news of the coronavirus in some ways, we are doing the same here. We are thankful that God has protected us and that He has paved the way we should go.

It’s crazy to think that we left Rome as a normal busy city two weeks ago. Now as we look at photos online, we see very few people out on the streets.

Because of our visa situation I shared about a few weeks ago, we needed to leave Rome a few days sooner than we had planned. The day we left was the same day things went crazy in Italy with the coronavirus. If we hadn’t needed to change our plans for the visa, we could have been exposed longer or possibly quarantined there. I don’t know. I’m not trying to be dramatic. But I do have a peace that God is leading our path and that he is putting all the puzzle pieces together in his way and timing.

Several parts of our plans have’s disappointing, but we know it’s ok. God’s way is best and we know He will keep leading! Thanks for your prayers! We will pray for you too!


Journey One Eighty welcomes your comments.


Day 72 | Brasov Walking Tour On Our Own


Day 71 | Romania Map and Movie