Day 48 | Jewish Quarter and Tiber Island


Day 48, Rome—We had to get out early today because the apartment was getting cleaned. A forced early start is just what we needed! Breakfast at the bakery across the street, a stop at the playground, the old Jewish Ghetto, and Tiber Island filled up this beautiful day! 

The Jewish Quarter (or Ghetto)—Jews were segregated in this area in 1555 AD. The living situation was really bad during that time, but is now a very nice place to live. There are Roman ruins in this area as well as Jewish and Italian restaurants and shops. This neighborhood is where we’ve found several Stumbling Stones that remember people who were taken from their homes or workplaces during World War II. Finding those has been a highlight for me in Rome.

Tiber Island—This is a small island in the Tiber River which has a church building and a hospital. The Basilica of Saint Bartholomew was founded in 998 AD and contains items related to recent martyrs from the 20th and 21st centuries. 

Fatebenefratelli Hospital— This hospital was established in 1585 and is a working hospital today. In history, it served many sick people including those with the plague. During World War II, it was a secret hiding spot for some Jews. They would be diagnosed with a made-up disease called K-Syndrome. The doctors would describe the symptoms to the Nazis as they were raiding the area. The Nazis declined their invitation, not wanting to contract the K-Syndrome. This saved about 100 lives. 

We also walked along the bank of the island, which we all enjoyed a lot!


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Day 49 | The Appian Way


Day 47 | Valentine's Day in Rome