Day 41 | Paths


Day 41—Have you ever had a day when you don’t have a plan, you think you’re going to at least get out of the house for a little bit, but you just end up staying comfy cozy at home? That’s what today was for us. We did some school and work stuff and just stayed at home.


One thing I did do today was read to my kids. I’ve really wanted to get better about reading to them and I’ve hoped this trip would allow more time for that. I started reading Little Pilgrim’s Progress (from John Bunyan’s classic) by Helen Taylor. It’s been so good! This version is about a little boy who is traveling to the Celestial City and his journey to keep his eyes focused on the King, trusting that the King will help him through his difficult journey.


The book has been such a great picture of life and a reminder of how important it is for me to keep my eyes on Jesus through the ups and downs. He will help. He will provide. He will give peace. I just need to trust Him. When we are tempted to go off of His path, He forgives and will always be there with His arms open wide for us to return to Him. Keeping our eyes on Jesus and following His path doesn’t mean life will be easy or that bad things won’t happen in our lives. Keeping our eyes on Him means that He will help us through those difficult times even when the path seems impossible.


Each of our paths is different at times in life...rocky, smooth, bright, sunny, dark, shadowy, scary, lonely, unknown, distracting, peaceful. Our paths may each look different, but we all come to a place of making a decision to follow Jesus or not. Choosing to follow Him and keeping our eyes on Him is the most important decision we each come to in our journey. I’ve chosen to follow Him. I hope you do too.


Journey One Eighty welcomes your comments.


Day 42 | 20,000 Steps Through Rome


Day 40 | St. Peter's Basilica