Day 20 | Paris to Vienna


Day 20, Paris/Vienna—We had some ups and downs today. We did a great job of getting up and out the door early enough to catch our plane, but the inevitable took place on the way there. Sickness. One child got sick on the subway and train we took to the airport, and another was on the verge. Thankfully, it was short lived and just a reaction to being tired and overdressed and motion sickness.


When we got to security check at the airport, we realized that we didn’t prepare our toiletry items the right way to take them into the plane, so we had to unpack our luggage and find all the liquids that we had purposefully placed intermingled with our clothes so they would be cushioned. We made it through with a few less bottles (that had to be thrown away) and with a lesson learned. After traveling by train so much, I hadn’t even thought about this issue, or the fact that they might be really strict on what they let through. We will be prepared next time for sure!


The day took a turn for better when we got settled on the plane. The stewardess brought the girls coloring supplies and a treat. They were pretty nervous about this flight, so the hospitality was such a gift that lit up their eyes and put my heart at ease. The girls thought this was the best flight ever! Vienna welcomed us with a beautiful light covering of snow and falling snowflakes to find our place in. We arrived at our apartment in Vienna, Austria and were happy to find a clean place to call home for the next few days. After settling in, I went on my first trip to the grocery store alone. It went well. I looked for familiar items, but since everything is in German here, I had to guess a little bit.


So far Vienna seems very different from London and Paris. It seems much smaller and more quiet, which is a nice break from the hustle and bustle of the really big cities.


Journey One Eighty welcomes your comments.


Day 21 | Schonbrunn Palace


Day 19 | Rest and My Thumbs