Day 19 | Rest and My Thumbs


Day 19, Paris—Today we stayed home. We needed to rest, do laundry, and pack up to move on from Paris. Days like this are really nice...and honestly the thought of leaving the apartment sounded exhausting. God created us to need rest. Rest is good.

As I think back on this last week, I’m reminded of something that happened to me. When we got on our first subway ride (filled with lots of people), I remember grabbing a hold of the bar to hold on and I deliberately covered my thumb in my fist. Why did I do that? Each of my thumbs is can see this in my last photo for today. I covered my short thumb. Normally I wouldn’t do this, but this time I deliberately hid it because I didn’t want others to see that it wasn’t “normal”.


When I realized what I was doing I uncovered it. Not only was I covering up a special part of me that reminds me of my amazing dad, but most importantly I was covering up a part of me that God created. I felt so convicted about hiding a unique part of me that could have only been woven by Him. It made me think of other ways that God made me that I might be hiding....things that He may want to use for His praise. I might be hiding them out of fear, laziness, insecurity. I might not know exactly what those things are right now, but for now, I’ll share my thumbs. God made them exactly how He wanted them to be! To God be the glory!

“I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.” - Psalm 139:14 (ESV)


Journey One Eighty welcomes your comments.


Day 20 | Paris to Vienna


Day 18 | Palace of Versailles