Day 23 | A Visit With Friends


Day 23, Vienna—Today was a special day and a highlight of our time here. We had lunch and caught up with some friends of ours from when we lived in Boston. We went to church together there and now they live in Vienna as missionaries. It was so nice to be with them and their kids and see a little glimpse of their lives. They took us to a traditional Viennese restaurant where we had schnitzel...a thin slice of fried pork, and goulash...beef chunks in a thick beef stew like sauce. It was all delicious and it was great being with our friends!


Before we met our friends we had time to visit Karls Kirche. This is a baroque cathedral. Right now there is a special art exhibit there...the two giant balls hanging from the ceiling. There was also a temporary elevator there that allowed us to go to the top of the building. It was really neat to see the ceiling paintings so close up and to see the view of the church building from so high! Although I must say, I do not handle heights like I used to! 

We also walked by two buildings designed by a famous architect, Otto Wagner.


Journey One Eighty welcomes your comments.


Day 24 | Last Day In Vienna and Night Train


Day 22 | Hofburg Palace