Day 39 | A Walk Around Roman Ruins and the Colosseum


Day 39, Rome—Today ended up being pretty full! We did some school stuff before going out to see the Colosseum and a few other sites along the way.

Even though our trip itself is a huge educational opportunity, there are still basic things that the girls need to learn and/or keep in their heads. We couldn’t bring textbooks or workbooks along so we had to figure out a way to do school without carrying all that weight. I have a list of concepts for each of their grade levels, and we signed up for an online program that has plenty of practice problems for them to do. I’m hoping most of our learning is by experience and related to our trip, but we do have plenty of down time at home to be able to learn and practice the normal stuff too:)


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Day 40 | St. Peter's Basilica


Day 38 | Just the Girls