Day 38 | Just the Girls


Day 38, Rome—Today the girls and I headed to the grocery store by ourselves. It was less busy today and easier to get it done. The girls enjoy printing the labels for our produce and are getting the hang of the shopping process. You have to bag your own groceries, use your own bags (or buy bags) then carry it all home. Here in Rome, we have to walk about a third of a mile away. It’s not super far, but when you’re carrying groceries it can feel difficult. We’re all getting the hang of it though:)

In the evening we all went to dinner and walked around through the old Jewish Ghetto and found more Stumbling Stones:( It’s amazing how much history is here and how old some things are.


Journey One Eighty welcomes your comments.


Day 39 | A Walk Around Roman Ruins and the Colosseum


Day 37 | Roman Numerals, Postcards, and Playground