Day 25 | Arriving Zurich


Day 25, Zürich, Switzerland—We went to sleep in Austria and woke up in Switzerland! We arrived around 8:30 am and couldn’t check into our hotel until 2:00, so we hung out at the train station for a few hours again. The main part of the train station was really cold, but thankfully there was a nice and warm Burger King at the station that we could sit in. I’m thankful they allowed us to stay there for so long!


We were dealing with motion sickness again, so we had to get everyone feeling normal again. We also snacked and worked on some math and book reports until we could go to our hotel. 

After we settled in at our hotel, we went out and explored the city a bit. Zürich is beautiful. It was really fun to see the Swiss alp style of buildings...very quaint and picturesque. It was a cloudy day, so I’m sure that when the sun is shining you see even more.

This is a very expensive city, so I’m glad we planned to be there only one night. (I found that out when it was going to cost about $1.50 per person to use the restroom at the train station. Thankfully the bathroom attendant just let us through after I asked him if we had to pay for each person.) It was expensive, but beautiful. I would love to spend more time here some day.


Journey One Eighty welcomes your comments.


Day 26 | Zurich to Chur, Switzerland


Day 24 | Last Day In Vienna and Night Train