Day 26 | Zurich to Chur, Switzerland


Day 26, Zürich/Chur—Playgrounds seem to be a big thing for us this week. There was another one across the street from our hotel so we stopped by before we left Zürich today. It was pretty cold, but the fresh air and activity was worth it! After that we ate pizza at Sam’s Pizza Land then headed to the train station.

The train ride was a bit unusual. Thankfully we found our seats early, because people started piling on the train with their luggage and ski equipment without having a seat to sit in. There were plenty of people that had a pretty uncomfortable train ride, needless to say. There was also a bit of conflict between other people about taking up too much space. We just stayed out of that.

We arrived to Chur, Switzerland in the late afternoon, went to get a few groceries, then came home to relax. We also watched Heidi for movie night. It was the perfect movie to watch in Switzerland.

This month, especially last week through next week is pretty busy going to different towns. We are enjoying seeing new places but look forward to settling in Rome during the month of February!


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Day 27 | Chur, Switzerland


Day 25 | Arriving Zurich