Day 1 | The Adventure Begins


Fifteen years ago Nathan and I spent two months traveling in France and Italy. When we got back we talked about making that trip every other year. We didn’t meet that goal, but now fifteen years later plus 3 kids, we are “underneath the lovely London sky”.

We arrived in London today and will be traveling through Europe for six months. We tried to pack light, but the bags we have are bursting at the seams. We’ve tried to prepare ourselves and our girls for what the days might look like, but we know there is no way to know what God has in store for us in this trip. Even after one day there has been laughter and tears, ups and downs. And each one of those moments are a gift from God. I’m thankful for this opportunity and do not take it for granted. I look forward to what He has in store for our family, what He wants to teach us...and teach me. While we are here, I’ll keep you posted on how we are doing and hopefully share some of the lessons we are learning.

For now, I’m going to fall asleep underneath this beautiful chandelier that has only one working bulb out of about 20. Haha! Which actually does teach me something...the Airbnb photos are not always 100% I need to have realistic expectations. It also reminds me that just one tiny bulb can light up an entire room pretty well...may the little Richardson family be a light for Jesus as we travel. And you too! May we each be a light in this dark world. A little bit of light makes a big difference! Goodnight!


Journey One Eighty welcomes your comments.


Day 2 | Jetlag and New Year’s Eve