Day 2 | Jetlag and New Year’s Eve


Last night was a hard night. Jet lag has set in and four of the five of us (the youngest was the good sleeper) were awake for a few hours in the night. It wouldn’t have been so bad, except for the two kids who were awake were frustrated and upset. Finally, we all went back to sleep and didn’t wake up until 11:00 am. We took our time to get ready and went out to explore for a few hours.


One of Naomi’s must see things was a mummy, so we headed to The British Museum to see if we could make that dream come true. We saw several including Cleopatra and some mummified cats. After that we headed to eat pizza for dinner then back to our apartment to bring in the new year playing Go Fish and Tenzi!


We were all in bed by midnight and everyone fell asleep...with a little help from Dramamine. Hopefully tonight will be better.


As I lie here listening to my family breathing in their sleep and the people outside our window still “celebrating” the New Year I’m reminded of Psalm 4:8 (ESV). “In peace I will both lie down and sleep; for you alone, O LORD, make me dwell in safety.” My peace and my security should come from Him...not in the place I’m at, not in my circumstances getting better, not in my problems being solved. Ultimate peace in every circumstance comes from Him.

My prayer right now is that my family would sleep well and that we all find our peace in Jesus and let fear go...tonight and through the new year! Happy New Year!


Journey One Eighty welcomes your comments.


Day 3 | New Year’s Day in London


Day 1 | The Adventure Begins