Day 43 | Creativity at the Playground


Day 43, Rome—Creativity. That is what it’s about today. I really didn’t plan on posting about every single day of our trip. I thought I would give an update every week or so. Then one post turned into another and now we are all of a sudden on the 43rd post! I can’t skip a day now! It was another fairly mundane day so I’m having to get creative in what I post about and at the same time, truly document about our day. 

I took the girls to the playground and I thought I’d just have fun taking some closeup pictures of different textures, designs, or patterns I thought were interesting. We also randomly found several graffiti areas that had the word “art”. I’m not a fan of graffiti, but I thought it was fun that we kept seeing the word on the day that we were getting creative with our photos. I’m hoping there isn’t a bad Italian meaning with the word!

Anyway, creativity....something happens when we get creative. We let go of a little fear. We grow and learn through mistakes. We become a little more brave by putting ourselves out there into something new. We grow in the way God has created us. 

So here is a little bit of me being creative with my camera and taking a closer look at things around me.

How are you being creative today? I would love to hear about it, or even see a picture!


Journey One Eighty welcomes your comments.


Day 44 | Church of St. Ignatius of Loyola at Campus Martius


Day 42 | 20,000 Steps Through Rome