Day 30 | Duomo Museum and Bell Tower


Day 30, Florence—Florence has been really nice. The weather has been the warmest we’ve had on the trip...sometimes feeling like an early spring day. Places are close enough to walk to. We don’t have to spend time or money on trains or subways. It just feels more simple and less time consuming to do things. Even though we are here during the slow season for tourism, there still seems to be so many tourists here. I can’t imagine how busy the summers must be!

This morning we visited the Opera del Duomo Museum. We learned some really cool things about how the Duomo was built.

After lunch, we visited the baptistry and bell tower of the Duomo. We had our first real stair climb to the top. The view was amazing, and while we were there the bell started ringing. We were not expecting that at all! One of my favorite experiences so far! We walked through a market and a very lively plaza on our way to get out first Italian gelato of the trip! It was amazing!


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Day 31 | The Ufizzi and the Gallery of the Academy


Day 29 | Tirano, Italy to Florence, Italy