Day 29 | Tirano, Italy to Florence, Italy


Day 29, Tirano, Switzerland to Florence, Italy

It was a pretty simple day. We had an early lunch at the apartment, then headed to the train station to go to Florence. Out of all the modes of transportation we’ve used, trains are probably my favorite...minus overnight trains. They are usually smooth, fairly quiet, and relaxing. 


When we arrived Florence, it was dark, wet, and sprinkling. Thankfully we have a pretty good system for carrying luggage now, because we had to walk about one and a half miles to our new apartment. It was long. It was wet. The sidewalks were bumpy for our rolling luggage. But we made it. Since then, the weather has been dry and in the upper 50s and partly sunny. We’re happy about that!


Journey One Eighty welcomes your comments.


Day 30 | Duomo Museum and Bell Tower


Day 28 | The Bernina Express to Tirano