Day 53 | Hard Rock Cafe and Thoughts on Leaving Rome

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Day 53, Rome—We’ve had a few busy days and tomorrow will be busy too, so we took it easy today. We stayed home then went out for an American dinner. There have been moments when a good hamburger or homemade chocolate chip cookies has sounded amazing. We didn’t get the cookies but we did get a pretty good hamburger tonight at Hard Rock Cafe. 

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Although I have a few more days of Rome to post about, this is our last day here. This evening we fly out to go to Romania! My heart hurts just a little bit to leave Rome, but we will be back and I’m looking forward to more adventures in new places. 

Prayers would be appreciated for safe travels and a smooth transition to our new place. We will be there for about a week. One of the kids especially has some anxiety about this transition, so please pray for peace as we travel and sleep in new places. 

A few people have asked if the coronavirus has affected us. It may have affected us only a tiny bit with having to wait longer for trains or other transportation, but nothing else. Since we are leaving Italy for now, hopefully we can bypass the virus’s path. Prayers that we would be protected from the virus or any sickness are appreciated too!

We look forward to new adventures to experience and share! Thank you for adventuring with us and for your prayers!


Journey One Eighty welcomes your comments.


Day 54 | Sperlonga


Day 52 | Jewish Synagogue and Santa Maria in Trastevere and Thoughts