Day 57 | Last Day in Rome and Thank You

Day 57, Rome—This was our last day in Rome. It’s bittersweet. This city is filled with so much history, charm, and beautiful culture. I almost felt like it was really our home today. As we wrapped up some things at the apartment and ran a few errands, I kind of felt like a normal family who lived here and not just tourists. Our plan is to be back. So although it’s a bit sad to leave, we look forward to other adventures here in the future:)

Since there isn’t much to share about what we did today, I just want to tell those of you who have read any of my posts...thank you. I don’t want to sound cheesy, but it really has meant a lot that even a few have found our trip slightly interesting. Not only that, but the posting and communication has been a blessing to me personally in many ways. 

  • I’ve been using my mind in ways I haven’t in a long time. Reading about and summarizing information to explain what we have seen has been challenging and rewarding for me. 

  • I’m easily able to communicate with you all which has really helped me not feel socially isolated while away from home. And I’ve talked to friends I haven’t talked to in years! 

  • I’ve stepped out of my comfort zone by sharing. For years I’ve struggled with insecurity about sharing with others. I would over analyze almost every conversation I had with people and constantly be afraid of hurting or offending someone. Every time I hit “post” I’m fighting against that fear inside of me. Thankfully, God is continuing to help me with that too:)

So, thank you! Thanks for challenging me, keeping me company, and helping me fight fear...along with the prayers and support! 
”I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine for you all making my prayer with joy…” - Philippians 1:3-4


Journey One Eighty welcomes your comments.


Day 58 | Rome to Bucharest and Rome Favorite Places


Day 56 | Church of St. Paul Outside the Wall, St. Domitilla Catacombs, and Tres Fontane