Day 11 | London to Paris


Day 11, London to Paris—It was a bittersweet day. We saw some amazing things in London and made some sweet memories, but it’s time to move on. Our train was supposed to leave around 10:30 am but when we got to the station they said our ride was canceled because of the subway/train strike in Paris. What did that mean for us? They upgraded our train tickets and we got to hang out at the train station for a few hours. Not a bad deal:)

Our train ride was nice and relaxing. It was a smooth ride and since we were in premium seats, all of the quiet business people were in our car. I think Abigail was the loudest one getting excited about the tables, cup holders, and reading lights. Hopefully everyone else thought it was as cute as I did:)


The arrival to Paris was much less inspiring than the London arrival. The train station was super busy, seemed dirty, and unorganized. You can tell that people are out of the norm because of the strike. Fewer trains=more people on the trains that do run=really packed trains=not a very fun ride. Thankfully we only had to be on a packed train for a couple of minutes. The next train wasn’t quite as crowded.


We had to walk a few blocks (in the dark and light rain) to get to our apartment. You never know what the next place will be like but we were pleasantly surprised. It was clean, bright, updated, and we have our own bathroom and kitchen!

We had a bite to eat, hung out for a bit, and went to bed!


Journey One Eighty welcomes your comments.


Day 12 | First Day in Paris—At Home


Day 10 | Anna’s Half Birthday and Last Day in London