Day 46 | The Tempietto


Day 46, Rome—One thing I have really wanted to do in Rome this time is get a better understanding of the time and context of Biblical history, especially related to early Christianity. Some things are hard to definitely know if this was the “actual place” or the “actual relic” or even the “actual event” but it is still interesting to see the possibilities up close and imagine what the scene could have been like. 

Today we visited one of those places. 

The Tempietto. 


This is said to be the location Peter was crucified. It is also said that he was crucified upside down because he proclaimed he was unworthy to be killed in the way Jesus was. We do not know either of those things for sure, but I have read that we do know that he was a Christian martyr around 64 AD under the persecution of Nero. 

The Tempietto was designed by Donato Bramante and is considered to be a masterpiece of High Renaissance architecture. 

I just read 2 Peter 1:1-15. What encouraging words Peter had to say to Christians as he knew his death was coming soon. I encourage you to read it too.


Journey One Eighty welcomes your comments.


Day 47 | Valentine's Day in Rome


Day 45 | Basilica of Santa Sabina