Day 24 | Last Day In Vienna and Night Train


Day 24, Vienna—Today was our last day in Vienna. We checked out of our apartment at 11:00 and thankfully they held our luggage until 3:00. That allowed us to fit in a visit to the Imperial Furniture Collection where we saw various pieces of furniture that were used in the palaces we visited.

After we left the museum, we stopped by a playground for a bit. I loved seeing the girls being so playful together. This is the first playground we have been to on the trip. They were so excited! We then went home to pick up our luggage at 3:00 and headed to the train station to wait for our overnight train that was leaving at 11:00. It would have been nice to fit in another sight, but it’s too much to drag our luggage that far. Making it to the train station was hard enough! Lol! 

The wait for our train was about six hours. The time actually went by pretty quick. Between eating, drawing, window shopping, and making trips to the restroom, the time was there before we knew it. I really enjoy being at large train stations. They are kind of like malls. There are restaurants, stores, and so many interesting people to watch. 

I was a little nervous about taking the girls on an overnight train. I’ve been on one twice before this trip. One was pleasant. One was not. This one was in between. The room is tiny...just enough room for six bunks and room to walk between them. Thankfully the girls thought it was pretty cool. We settled in, went to sleep, and woke up in Zurich, Switzerland.


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Day 25 | Arriving Zurich


Day 23 | A Visit With Friends