Travel Rhondalyn Travel Rhondalyn

Day 60 | Day of Rest in Bucharest

I can’t believe we are a third of the way through our trip! I feel like we were just planning, buying plane tickets, packing...and now we are this far into our trip! 10 cities/towns. 6 countries. 5 languages…

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Travel Rhondalyn Travel Rhondalyn

Day 57 | Last Day in Rome and Thank You

This was our last day in Rome. It’s bittersweet. This city is filled with so much history, charm, and beautiful culture. I almost felt like it was really our home today. As we wrapped up some things at the apartment…

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Travel Rhondalyn Travel Rhondalyn

Day 55 | Castel Sant’Angelo

After spending most of the day at home, we decided to go see Castel Sant’Angelo (Castle of the Holy Angel) named after Michael the archangel. It was first built as a mausoleum…

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Travel Rhondalyn Travel Rhondalyn

Day 54 | Sperlonga

One of my favorite places to visit is a sandy beach, so when Nathan threw out the idea of going to Sperlonga, an Italian hillside town…

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Travel Rhondalyn Travel Rhondalyn

Day 51 | Church Tour

Today we started with lunch in the Jewish Ghetto at a Jewish restaurant (which was really good), then went on a quick tour of several church…

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Travel Rhondalyn Travel Rhondalyn

Day 46 | The Tempietto

One thing I really have wanted to do in Rome this time is get a better understanding of the time and context of Biblical history, especially related to early Christianity…

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